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drive shot
运球投篮  detail>>
drive-in shot
切入射门  detail>>
fake drive and shot
做过人的假动作后投篮  detail>>
fake shot and drive
做投篮假动作后运球过人  detail>>
a shot
打一针药  detail>>
as a shot
作为猜测  detail>>
no shot
未放炮  detail>>
not shot
未爆炸  detail>>
 adj.  1.打[发射]出去的;被射中的;发了芽的。 2.〔美俚〕坏得不能再使用的;注定要失败的。 3.【纺织;印染】杂色的,闪光的,色彩幻变的。...  detail>>
shot to
猛涨  detail>>
by drive
按驱动器名 依磁盘驱动器代号  detail>>
 vt.  (drove , 〔古语〕 drave; driven; driving) 1.驱逐,赶,撵 (along; away; back; down; i...  detail>>
drive at
想说,意指 意思 用意所在  detail>>
drive by
推动 运球过人  detail>>
drive in
赶进 敲进 切入上篮得分 驶入 运球突破  detail>>
drive into
打入 开进, 敲入, 逼使  detail>>
drive on
把两国之间的友好关系推进到一个新阶段 可开上去的  detail>>